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Re: battery drainage

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: battery drainage
From: Murry J Mercier <>
Date: Wed, 01 Oct 1997 16:38:14 -0400 (EDT)
     One possibility that I have not seen addressed in the subject thread 
     is the 'drainage' usually caused by the solid state controls in the 
     I seem to remember reading about what is called 'phantom' current 
     which is pressent in all modern cars.  They said that phantom currents 
     above 200 milliamperes was considered excessive.  I measured my 73 TR6 
     at about 125 ma which I calculated would drain the battery in a few 
     months if not recharged or disconnected. I have installed a new radio 
     with clock and preset memories etc so the drain is up from that level. 
     In isolating a battery drainage problem one should not forget the 
     alternator control circuitry as a potential culprit.  I don't have a 
     schematic but I think unplugging the unit would eliminate it from the 
     Murry (uses a battery disconnect device) Mercier
     PS Is any one going to 6-PACK Trials 97?  If so look for the 'SOL' on 
     the green '73 and I'll buy you a 'Stout...

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