Noticed driving home last night that the ignition warning
light on my '70 TR6 was kind of staying on. Let me explain
"kind of".
When I start the car, which is fine, the light will go off
but with a faint glow remaining. As RPMs increase, the red
glow will brighten. If I get RPMs above 4000, the light is
fairly bright, but will dim back down when RPMs drop.
If I use any electricals: lights, turn signal, lighter, etc,
the warning light will glow bright and will all but go
away when I turn off the electrical devise. By the way, all
electricals work fine and the alternator belt seems fine
with its tension.
Before I start going into multiple diagnostics, your thoughts
on where to start or those with a similar problem and its
"fix" would be much appreciated.
Scott Suhring
Elizabethtown, PA
"70 TR6