>>>>> "EPaul21988" == EPaul21988 <EPaul21988@aol.com> writes:
EPaul21988> Drew, You may already be on the right track,
EPaul21988> but I would check the belt pulley on your
EPaul21988> engine. I had one fail and I was sure it was
EPaul21988> bearings. See if the pulley will wobble when
EPaul21988> you loosen the fan belt. Mine would rock as
EPaul21988> the engine turned with a loud knock each
EPaul21988> turn.. Good Luck Bob Paul
I'll second this one. I had a similar knock, and it turned
out that the DPO had installed some object that was not quite
a woodruf key in the water pump, causing the key to bust, the
hole to become eccentric, and the pulley to wobble.