I found a very useful site on the web; The California
Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) at
(these are the guys who DONT want Gov. Wilson to sign SB42 into law).
Specifically, I direct you to the page at
which has links to the emissions standards for the current (BAR-90)
requirements and post Dec 1, 1997 (BAR-97) requirements.
I may need some help in interpreting the tables for BAR-97, but it seems
to me that the test includes two "pulls" on the dyno, labelled
ASM 5015 and ASM 2525 (ASM = Acceleration Simulation Mode). The
resulting emissions are combined into a formula that include the vehicles
test weight. I attach the tables for 1971-1974 cars below. Note that
there are two rows, A and B, such that the results of your tests
plus the columns of B divided by the test weight should be less than
the columns in A; ie
A + B/VTW where where VTW = Vehicle Test Weight
Tricky? Take a moment to feel sorry for the poor guys having to
buy all this equipment and install it before the Dec 1 deadline.
I am not sure if this is the complete requirements of SMOG II, as the
new equipment includes a 5-gas analyzer, so will be requirements on O2
and CO2 which are not listed in the table.
The new equipment also includes a "gas tank cap sniffer". Replace the seals
around your gas cap, folks!
For completeness, I include the standards for the current test
at the end (1971-1974 cars only).
Am I interpreting the BAR-97 tables correctly? Please tell me and
others if I am wrong!
Shane Ingate in San Diego
Emission standards used to determine if a vehicle passes the
emissions portion of the inspection -- a vehicle passes if the emission
levels are equal to or less than the standards for HC, CO, and/or
NOx for ASM 5015 and ASM 2525.
BAR-97 (1971-1974 only)
ASM 5015 ASM2525
A 235.4 2.56 1859.3 185.4 2.36 1659.3
B 436041.7 4453.19 1703703.7 436041.7 4453.19 1703703.7
Gross Pollutor
ASM 5015 ASM 2525
A 435.4 4.3 2659.3 385.4 4.10 2459.3
B 436041.7 4453.19 1703703.7 436041.7 4453.19 1703703.7
Note: HC and NOx values are displayed in ppm and CO is displayed
in % CO pounds.
* Pass/Fail Emission Standards and Gross Polluter Standards = A + B/VTW
where VTW = Vehicle Test Weight
BAR-90 (1971-1974 only)
Pass/Fail Gross Pollutor
---------------------------- ----------------------------
Idle HC CO 2500 HC CO Idle HC CO 2500 HC CO
550 5.0 400 4.0 800 7.5 650 6.5