Mark Stahlke wrote:
> On 18-Sep-97, fred thomas wrote:
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> In a message dated 97-09-18 01:07:56 EDT, you write:
> >>
> >> > I suppose we should be glad that radar detectors aren't outlawed
> -
> >> > They are in France, and possibly elsewhere too.
> >> >
> >>
> >> Yes, e.g. Connecticut and Virginia are two other places where radar
> >detectors
> >> are against the law. And they will ticket you.
> >> Cheers.
> >In Va. they also conficate the detector on the spot.
> I wonder what ever happened to "due process"?
> Mark
I guess you haven't seen the 20/20 report on 'Traffic stops in I10
in rural west Louisiana'? They can confiscate your, car, money and
anything else that fancies them (local sheriffs). You have to post a
bond equal to the value to get it back and then go to court. Doesn't
sound like I live in the U.S of A does it? I guess I'm lucky in one
respect. They only appear to pick on out of state drivers. All of this
is being done under the guise of drug enforcement. Due Process isn't
what it used to be.
BTW the D.A., Judge and Sheriff Department split any confiscated
proceeds 20/20/60. It doesn't look like they have anything to gain by
this does it?
Roger Helman 71 TR6 CC67866L
Digimation Inc.
New Orleans La.
Voice. 504.468.7898
Fax. 504.468.5494