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Re: Where's the digest?

To: Joe Merone <>
Subject: Re: Where's the digest?
From: Vic Whitmore <>
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 09:21:16 -0400
Cc: Triumphs <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
References: <>
Joe Merone wrote:
> I am on the digest list only and have not received one since Monday
> the 8th. Have any of you "real timers" out there heard of any problems
> with the digest? Please e-mail me directly..
> Thanks..
> Joe Merone
> CF 18928
Yes, I've had problems before. If your mail is rejected by your ISP back
to the digest more than once or twice in a row, the digest will take you
off the list. Re-apply and you're back in business.

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