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Re: cars to hate

To: Jim Gambony <>
Subject: Re: cars to hate
From: Paul Burr <>
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 17:12:57 +0100
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <>
Jim Gambony wrote:

> 4)  any buick/cadillac/ford/lexus/infinity boat with the driver talking on a 
>cell phone while drinking coffee/mascara/eating/???

Whoa Jim, now you've nailed it on the head! In my road warrior commute
days I've seen people: 
1) Have the morning paper propped up on the wheel, reading!
2) The above, plus men shaving or women finishing dressing/hair/makeup.
3) The business people with a stack of invoices, etc. on the wheel,
cell   phone in one ear, doing office work at 65 mph. 
And on and on......What kills me is I've never seen one of these idiots
pulled over! They do the speed limit, so there's no revenue in pulling
gone over. Of course, any of us in our flashy LBC's get 10mph over the
speed limit, whilst paying absolute atention to our driving....Yup!
flashing lights, big ticket, insurance points!

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