Eric C. Rupert wrote:
> I have about 800 miles on a fresh engine rebuild and am still exibiting some
> startup smoke.
I had a smoky engine that I fixed by running straight weight Valvoline
Racing oil in. This may not be the best solution, but it may help
indicate where the problem lies--rings, guides, etc.
Also, make sure your crank case breather is clear. In fact, disconnect
it completely from the intake and see if that makes the smoke go away.
It could be a lot of blowby from new rings and high compression (also
personal experience). BTW, I think it really takes about 5000-7000
miles to run in an engine. So be patient.
Another possible problem, on a Kent motor in the Cortina, we noticed
sensitivity to oil overfill. Just the slightest too much and it got
sucked into the carb through the crank case PCV connection. We run it a
half quart low.
All the best.
Brian N