Martin Libhart wrote:
>Pete & Aprille Chadwell wrote:
> [snip]
>> My next step is to (possibly) change plugs. I'm running BPR6ES NGKs right
>> now. I think I'll switch to BPR5ES, since for some reason I like NGK
>> plugs.
>I have always found that the BPR5ES plugs are better for the TR6 - they
>are the true equivalent heat range to the RN12YC. I have had best luck
>with NGK of all tried, and they are inexpensive. The racers love them,
>too. BTW, how did the plug on the #1 cylinder look when you inspected it
Thank you for the recommendation. I discovered the misfiring #1 spark plug
at idle when I tried to hook up the timing light... the flashes from the
timing light were very few and far between. The other plug wires produced
rapid and steady flashes, as expected. At that point I pulled the plug and
it looked quite black. Dry, but black and sooty. This made sense since it
wasn't firing very well. Otherwise the plugs generally look clean, dry and
white/tan... more white than tan, honestly. I don't feel I've EVER been
able to richen the mixture quite enough. (Worn throttle shafts, I'm sure)
Plugs, cap and rotor are on the way!!
To respond also to Keith Erlich, he wrote:
>I wouldn't put fuel too low on the list...
Thank you, Keith. I will try the ignition stuff first, only because (well,
maybe not ONLY) immediately before putting this car back on the road (for
the first time in 6 years) I went through the whole fuel line, tank
included. It was nice and clean and new inside, and I replaced much of the
fuel supply line. And of course, the filter has only been filtering since
early April.
I do appreciate all the support from everyone!!
Pete Chadwell
1973 TR6