No, not the tacky early 80's series about Cocco the dancing chick and Leroy the
leg warmer wearing weirdo, But.....
Whilst doing a bit of surfin' to find ssome details of the International
Spitfire Weekend in Holland, I looked on their web page and.....lo and behold,
a piccy of my wreck, err car. Fame, I wanna live for ever, I wanna learn how
to fly...High!!! Ooops, must get rid of these damn leg warmers. Anyway, for
anyone who may care to look(Don't know why, but what the hell), it's at
and it's the yellow Spit under the 'Best and Worst car of the weekend' heading,
guess which trophy I took home??? :-)
ps, the photo doesn't really do it justice, it's worse than that in reality.