I believe I was less than complete with the info I provided:
Covercraft Industries, Inc.
1-800-382-3040, Extension 300
No physical address just the web page.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Zaborski
> Sent: Friday, August 01, 1997 1:52 PM
> To: 'Vincenti, Ross'; 'TR6 List'
> Subject: RE: Car Covers - Seconds
> Covercraft (http://www.covercraft.com/). I got one for my TR6 for $40
> plus $9 shipping. No problems with it that I could discern. Fits very
> well and the fabric is very high tech - it itheir Technalon fabric
> which has a high breathability and is reasonably moisture proof
> (although I use mine indoors so that's a moot point).
> I am very happy with the cover and would not hesitate to recommend it
> to others. And it was much much less than getting it from any of the
> ususal sources.
> Peter Zaborski
> 76 TR6 (CF58310 UO)
> Calgary AB Canada
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vincenti, Ross [SMTP:Ross.Vincenti@transamerica.com]
> Sent: Friday, August 01, 1997 1:34 PM
> To: Triumph List
> Subject: Car Covers - Seconds
> Greetings Scions,
> Earlier there was a thread about a car cover company that had
> available
> "seconds" with minor imperfections at a reduced price. Would
> someone
> kindly re-post the name, address and telephone number so that I
> can contact
> the company? Thanks in advance.
> Ross D. Vincenti
> Asst. General Counsel/Asst. Sec'ty.
> Transamerica Home Loan - Legal Dept.
> Los Angeles, CA 90015
> (213) 742-4756 phone
> (213) 741-7231 or 741-6945 fax
> ross.vincenti@transamerica.com
> 64 Spitfire 4
> 64 Porsche 356C Coupe