Thanks to Scotty for his interesting thoughts. I am presently trying to get
my car with a '74 TR6 engine in it to pass smog in California. My pre-test
showed I exceeded CO levels at 4.7%, over the required 4.0% at 2500 rpm.
Everything else was OK (except for a non-operative EGR valve, the subject
of an earlier inquiry to this list).
In a recent Moss Motors magazine, there was listed some hints to prepare ones
TR6 for the smog test. One was to set the cold valve clearance to .015
instead of the specified .010. I plan to do this before venturing back to
the smog station, but can anyone explain the theory behind this? Also,
after changing the clearance, should I adjust the timing if it has changed
from the specified 4ATDC?
Waiting for clearance, Richard