Received the bracket today, thanks!
For those of you who dont know, I pit out a plea
on the web a couple of weeks ago for a TR6 upper steering
column bracket. While refinishing my dash and other work
in the fascia area, I discovered that the reason for my wobbly
steering column was a cracked steering column bracket.
None of the biga and small vendors carry this part, so I
crossed my fingers and hoped that someone had a parts car.
A couple of days later, I received a telpehone call
from Tom Gentry. He said that he had a parts car, and may
have the bracket. He did, and popped it in the mail.
The bracket is pristine. Thanks Tom!
Aint this list great or what! I've "met" several
pepole from this list over the phone or in person, brought
together by our affection for these funny little british cars.
Its the "extra step" that Tom and others make in making
an indelible mark on our lives. Thanks everyone!
Shane Ingate, no mo' wobbles in San Diego