We have seen some excellent discussion on "bang for the buck"
out of your Triumph. I agree with them all, that starting with suspension,
tyres, compression, cam, extractors (are we at $3000 yet?) etc are the
routes to go, and agreed upon by the racer-set
My own recent experience in a *cheap* and easy modification
is with ignition. Upgrading the points/condensor ingnition to an
electronic system, an uprated coil, copper plug leads and new plugs
will cost less than $160, 30 minutes of work for even the most novice
mechanic-wannabe, and you dont even get your hands dirty (unlesss the
engine is covered in filth). What I found is a smoother running engine
(I probably have some wear in the distrubutor shaft bushings) from
idle to redline that appears to pull more eagerly, easier starting
and my timing does not jump around +/- 1 degree like it used to.
I dont know if I am getting any extra "horsepower", but the engine
now seems to rev much more easily.
Another *inexpensive* mod that I made was to change the airleaners
on my TR6 to K&Ns. Again I noticed the same, subtle change to a smoother
running engine as well as enabling me to pull a few more hundred revs
at the high end than when I was running on the stock filters.
Total cost to me for these simple mods is $190.
My next (engine) modification, when I complete my research (and the
list has been of tremendous help - thank you all!), will be headers and
exhaust system. My worn out muffler is nearly gone, so I am prompted
to bypass the other performance mods by necessity. Unfortunately the exhaust
mod requires skills that I dont have (fitting mufflers) and mucho more $$!!
Shane Ingate, zappin' in San Diego