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Non LBC help wanted

To: "8" <>
Subject: Non LBC help wanted
From: "STU-JO" <>
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 1997 21:25:08 -0400
Cc: "tri" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Soprry if I upset fellow Trumphs, but I have a problem with my boy's 85
It quit running, and my mechanic said it was the ignition module which is
built into the distributor, cost $500 (sound familiar 8 owners?

Anyway, I poked around and there is a 12 volt wire coming out the harness
connected to what looks like a capacitor, and then goes to the distributor.
It is the only dist connection. There is zero volts after the capacitor 
type thing, and > 10000ohm resistance.  Can anyone tell me what this thing
is and how it works. My guess is its a resistor, and should be delivering
some kind of low voltage to the distributor,

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