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Re: TR4 Question (Brake Calipers)

Subject: Re: TR4 Question (Brake Calipers)
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 1997 18:30:27 -0400 (EDT)
Paul, I'll answer within (and at the end of) your original message.  I'm also
sending this to the "Triumph list".  You do know about "the list?"  If not,
come back to me and I'll tell you how about it and how to get on it. 

In a message dated 97-06-23 18:53:01 EDT, you write:

  <  snip  >
>  I've got a question concerning the front brakes.  I found two sets of 
> calipers.  One set are one piece and the other are split.  According to the

> Moss catalog, the split calipers are the correct ones.

If your car has a Commission number before CT 4390 the split calipers are

>  However, my neighbor has a 63 TR4 and his calipers are one piece with the
>external hydraulic lines which should be for a TR3.  

Careful here, unless you know what other parts of his may have been changed
to get his system working properly.

>Moss also states that under no circumstance should the split calipers be
>disasembled.  Well that has already been done by a previous owner.  Can
these >calipers be reassembled?  

Yes, but you will need the rubber gasket which goes between the two halves.
 According to The Roadster Factory (TRF) Tech Support it was the
unavailability of this gasket which caused the caution against disassembly.
 TRF also says that the gasket and the torque specs for the bolts which hold
the two halves together are now available (Moss says the torques were not
published).  TRF rebuilds these calipers so if you call them at their tech
support number they can give you the torque specs (or rebuild them for you,
I'm sure :-)).  TRF's numbers are: (800) 234-1104 or Tech Research (814)

>Or if not, can I use the one piece calipers?
I don''t see why not - except for "originality."  Of course you need to check
to see if the external mountings, connections etc. are correct.  As far as
the internals (fluid pressures etc.) are concerned there should be no
problem.  But there were changes to other parts (hoses/connectors) of the
brake system throughout the total range of TR4's.  You will need to research
the parts books to see which are compatible with what you have and then
decide the best way to go.  BTW - I have also heard of Volvo calipers also
being used as replacements - but that is another subject (and could start a
thread on the list.  <g>

  <  snip  >  
>  Paul Brandsema
>  High Point, NC
>  email:  

Some background info on the calipers themselves.  The TR4 calipers are the
same dimensions etc. as those on the TR3's.  The original TR3 calipers were
one piece.  In '59, they changed to the "split" calipers (called "B" type)
for ease of service and manufacture.  These were carried thru to TR4
Commission #'s CT4388 (disc) and CT4390 (wires).  Then the single piece "16P"
type caliper (which had been used on  the TR3B's) was fitted.  I think that
later TR models (thru TR6) continued to use the 16P calipers but had a servo
added to the system, but that is really not germane to your  problem.

Hope this helps you.  If you have any more questions, please feel free.

Art Kelly '64TR4 CT33118L (original owner)
VTR TR4 vehicle consultant

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