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Re: Question

To: Matthew A Celso <>
Subject: Re: Question
From: John Matthews <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 11:44:21 -0700
Cc:, Triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Serena Industries Inc.
References: <> <>
Matthew A Celso wrote:
> I am new to the list.  I have bought a 1977 spitfire.  I don't know much
> about cars just fell in love with this one.  I finally got it started,
> and now it begins to accelerate as if someone were pushing on the
> accelerator.  Could it be the idle, or could it be the spring on the
> actual cable our shot.  Any help or ideas would be appreciated.  Thank
> You


Welcome to the list, and to the wonderful world of Triumph ownership.
Don't worry about not knowing very much about cars, you will soon;-).
Since you've already found us the next thing I would suggest is you get
a good service manual and study it closely. It helps to have some
familiarity with the different systems on your car before you actually
start doing the work. It will also save you a great deal of time and

Regarding your curent problem, the most likely culprit is a vacuum leak.
Obviously, if your car immediately revs to 6000 rpm the minute you start
it shut it off right away. You may have a stuck cable, or missing
throttle return spring, so check these things first. 

Figure out what sizes of hose you need and buy a few feet of each along
with a supply of new hose clamps. Replace any hoses or cables that are
visibly cracked or frayed. Check all the hoses that go to your carb,
intake manifold and distributor. The easy way to test for leaks is to
take a can of carb cleaner and spray around the carb and hoses with the
engine running. When you find a vacuum leak the RPM should drop
noticeably.  This should get you started. I'm sure others will have more
suggestions for you. 

You, and your car have found a new home on the web. 

John Matthews
'61 Racin' Herald

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