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re: Re: Spitfire air box for dual su's

Subject: re: Re: Spitfire air box for dual su's
From: Andrew Mace <>
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 12:13:15 +0600 (EDT)
Cc: Sean Johnson <>, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
On Wed, 18 Jun 1997 RICHARD.JACKSON@NENE.AC.UK wrote:

> >Andrew Mace responded to my query for a Spitfire cold-air box for dual SU's
> >with:
> >"Sean, someone may know differently, but I'm pretty sure that no U.S.-spec.
> >cars ever used that "box," despite all the pictures in all the books
> >(which are almost universally pictures of home-market cars)...
> Ha Ha, the great Andy M is wrong again, My Spitfire, and most I have seen
> usually have the box, admittedley, it ain't on now as I have a set of K&N's,
> but it did have once!!! :-)

Hey, Rich, READ MY LIPS! I said U.S.-spec. cars! :-)
But I've been wrong before, and it might someday happen again! It is
possible that some of the early "Mk.1" Spitfires in the U.S. were so
equipped originally. However, if I must amend my original statement, I
will stand by the statement that "most U.S.-spec., dual SU-equipped
Spitfires did not have an air filter housing, only separate filters bolted
directly to the carbs." I've seen a lot of original, early Spitfires over
the years (and remember how many of those years I have behind me, Rich),
and there usually was NO "airbox" on these cars.

Anyone out there with ORIGINAL Spitfire 4 or Mk.2 models wish to help
establish "data points" here? They would be welcome.

Probably one of those cost-cutting moves deemed necessary to price the
cars more competitively here. Similarly, my GT6+ and most all that I've
ever seen IN THE U.S. do NOT have the extra front millboard valance with
the two holes for the hoses to the airbox, nor do they have the hoses


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Andrew Mace, President and                *
*   10/Herald/Vitesse (Sports 6) Consultant *
* Vintage Triumph Register                  *
*  [that's in America, son! :-) ]           *
*                     *
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