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GT6+ trans and diff

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: GT6+ trans and diff
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997 21:44:05 -0400 (EDT)
Here's a topic I'll throw out to the Listers. After thinking about replacing
the GT6+ transmission and differential in favor of a modern 5 speed I had an
attack of originality guilt and talked myself into figuring out how to make
the original items bullet proof. I have some ideas but I need a few devils
advocates to challenge my thinking. Premium bearings is the first thing that
comes to mind. My '69 GT6+ seemed to suffer from this malady. How about
nitriding the gear sets and especially the laygear set. The caged roller
bearings don't look particularly robust either. There has to be a way to
upgrade them in this day and age. I also think that balancing the rotating
components might help longevity. The same goes for the rear end. After
looking at several US and Japanese transmission drawings I don't see a lot
that's different from a design standpoint. So, whadda' ya think. Any ideas,
sources or criticisms are gladly accepted.

Greg Wolf
70 GT6+ "Ian"

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