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RE: bumper for a '65 Spit needed

To: "Triumph List" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net> (Return requested), "Ed Burger" <> (Return requested)
Subject: RE: bumper for a '65 Spit needed
From: "Vincenti, Ross" <>
Date: 17 Jun 1997 16:33:17 -0700
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Ed Burger wrote:
Does anyone have a front bumper for a 1965 Spitfire?  I tried to
restore mine, but its too "bumpy" and I can't use body filler to smooth it 
out. Also, would anyone happen to have a used convertible top (or hardtop)
that would fit the '65?
Ed - whatever you do, DON'T throw out your Mk I front bumper!!!  A 
replacement bumper from Kipping or Rimmer Bros. (the only sources I could 
find) cost about $325 US!  You said yours is "bumpy", but heck, the one I 
had was so badly bent and rusted you'd be hard pressed to tell it was a 
bumper.  I found a bumper shop in South Central Los Angeles, (the "Bumper 
Boyz") that did a perfect restoration and chrome job for $125.  I'm sure 
you can find a deal close to that in any major city.

As to a hardtop - yes, I have a fiberglass hard top in my side yard that 
fits a Mk I Spitfire.  It is white, it decent shape, but is missing the 
rear glass, the rubber mouldings, etc. and it's your for free it you come 
and get it or agree to pay the shipping by truck freight (UPS won't take it
 - too big).

Ross D. Vincenti - Costa Mesa, CA
64 Spitfire 4
64 Porsche 356C Coupe

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