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Re: TR-6 Colour

Subject: Re: TR-6 Colour
From: Martin Libhart <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997 11:00:57 -0500
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <>
Joseph Burlein wrote:
> Hello,
> I saw your name on the Triumph TR-6 newsgroup and had a quick question
> for you.  I own a 7 TR-6 that is currently that disgusting shade of
> brown.  I am going to do a panel off paint job and wish to paint the > car
> green or blue.  Is your car's paint the original color?  The reason I
> ask is that none of the TR-6 books I have can agree (sometimes even > with
> themselves) if Laurel is a valid color for a 1972 car.  Thanks for the
> help.
> Joe Burlein
> 72 TR-6
> Melbourne, FL


You are correct - Laurel Green is not listed technically as a 1972 color
for the TR6, but was a 1971 color.  Just as Triumph has done with
certain parts/other features of our cars, they sometimes used (or used
up) stock on hand. My car was built in the first month of '72
production, and probably received one of the last of the Laurel Green
paint applications before the "can ran dry".

By the way, in my opinion it's a great color!  Another fellow lister has
a '72 nearly identical to mine.  By commission numbers, we figure they
were painted out of the same can, so to speak. Only difference is mine
has Black trim, while his is New Tan.

Martin Libhart
1972 TR6 (driver)
1970 Spitfire (under the knife)

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