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Re: "danger cars" [was Re: Fast TR-6]

To: "Lindberg, Andrew (MN12)" <>
Subject: Re: "danger cars" [was Re: Fast TR-6]
From: Andrew Mace <>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 1997 10:53:07 +0600 (EDT)
Cc: "" <>, Scions of Stanpart <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
On 12 Jun 1997, Lindberg, Andrew (MN12) wrote:

>> ..."danger cars"...threat to the personal sheet metal?  Here's my list:
>> "1.  Volvos (those people tend to be just oblivious)
>> "2. Family vans (almost as bad as number one)
>> "3.  Conversion Vans
>> "4. Broncos & those kind of "sport trucks"
>> "5  Big Old Station Wagon
>> "Caddies, Caprices, LTD's, etc. with little old ladies are way down the 
>> list.  With little old men in them, they move up several spots."
> Please exempt Volvo 122's from your position of honor.  I think we pre-brick 
> cars should be accorded special status.

I, too, respectfully request exemption from your list for my "early" 
(1967) Volvo 144? Bad points: I'm guilty of having transported a Golden
Retriever in this car on several occasions. Good points: SU carbs, good
handling, and it's safety tucked deep in my garage, where it currently
harms no one! ;-) 

Perhaps you could also see it in your heart to grant partial exemption for
my Ford Explorer, which took over from another Volvo in towing duties for
the Hardly Boys RaceSpit4 and other Triumphs.

As compensation, I ask that you add to your list late-model BMWs,
Porsches, and Corvettes. It occurs to me that, prior to purchase of such a
vehicle, the prospective owners should show cause why the following
sticker should not REMAIN on the car: 

   "I have lots of disposable income and the brains of a common pigeon.
    Please get the he** out of my way, as I am late -- for something."

Oh, one more note, based on earlier threads: I would like to give special
commendation to owners of late-model Chrysler convertibles. Based on my
informal survey in upstate New York (Albany area) this spring, drivers of
the above cars seem by far the most likely to a: know how the top goes
down and b: actually PUT the top down often. According to my survey
results, they are way ahead of Miata, and even MGB, drivers in this
respect. BTW, Triumph (all models) drivers have scored very highly in this


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Andrew Mace, President and                *
*   10/Herald/Vitesse (Sports 6) Consultant *
* Vintage Triumph Register                  *
*                     *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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