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Re: Triumphs in winter

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net, "Lindberg, Andrew (MN12)" <>
Subject: Re: Triumphs in winter
From: bill nichol <>
Date: Sun, 08 Jun 1997 03:29:15 -0400
References: <035D933983C2404E*/c=US/admd=MCI/prmd=Honeywell/o=MN-MTA/ou=MSMail/ou=CORP/s=Lindberg/g=Andrew/@MHS>
Lindberg, Andrew (MN12) wrote:
> I know this is a dumb subject for June, but I'm facing some life style
> decisions so I thought I'd ask:
> Is it possible to use a Triumph year round?  Which model?  Any experienced
> winter drivers out there?  (I'm talking northern latitudes winter, not
> Florida fluff.)  Does the defroster work in cold weather?  Heater?  Are
> weber downdrafts a good conversion for cold weather starting?  Anything
> else?
>  -- Andy in MN
        I'm in Atlanta so I can't comment on any subzero stuff but I'm from
North Dakota so I know what you're about to attempt. I drive year round
here. Temps down to the low twentys. The weber down drafts are a must as
far as I'm concerned. Always have started easily for me. I use a manual
choke cable. The varible volumn piston in the ZS carb always refused to
move until the car warmed up. Made cold weather driving almost
        Do you have an original steel top? If you don't I would recommend you
get one. The defroster works fine in my car. I'm pretty hardy whenit
comes to the cold but any thing much below 35 and the heater is pretty
much useless. Remember all that heat you have in the summer? Well it's
all gone now. 
        We don't get much snow here but I can imagine it would be a ball to
play in with the Spit. I don't think I would want to have to commute in
 Best of luck, Let me know how things turn out.

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