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FW: Re[2]: Mityvac vs. Eezybleed

To: triumphs
Subject: FW: Re[2]: Mityvac vs. Eezybleed
From: Mark J Bradakis <mjb>
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 09:56:56 -0600 (MDT)
[BOUNCE triumphs@Autox.Team.Net:     global taboo body match 
"/" at line 45  global taboo body match 
"/" at line 47]

     Date: Wed, 28 May 97 11:36:00 PDT
     From: Mike A Gendimenico <>
     Subject: Re[2]: Mityvac vs. Eezybleed

I too have a vacuum bleeder, works great except as noted below, but teflon 
tape on the bleeder seems to cure that problem.  The Mityvac also works 
great for testing vacuum lines, valves, etc.  Oh, also great for sucking 
out the brake fluid before removing a master cylinder.

I've used a pressure bleeder a couple of times.  When they work, they're 
great, if they don't, it usually ends up a huge mess.


/I can recount my experience with the Mity-vac set-up. I found that it 
/works very well as long as one does not slack off the bleed screw too 
/much. Air tends to get sucked past the threads of the screw and it will 
/take forever to get the system bled. That may be one of the advantages of 
/a pressure bleeder. With that one caution in mind, I would recommend it.

/Phil Barnes

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