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I'm in misery

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: I'm in misery
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 97 13:42:45 -0400
Organization: Symbol Technologies
Hello fellow Triumph Officionado's

Well, here is the latest question dilema that I am encountering with my 
TR4.  When left off, I was replacing the fan and all the rubber hoses and 
radiator on my downed TR4(a plastic fan blade detached and ruined by 
radiator.  I had it fixed, replaced the belt, hoses, fan, and valve cover 
gasket.  Imediately aftewr the initial ruining of the radiator, the car 
started runing rough.

Now, I can get it to smooth out only if the RPM's go above 1700.  If I 
let it idle, she runs very rough.  Even with the manual choke pulled, it 
appears that the engine is fighting to stay running.

I did not see any unusual charring or wear on the distributor and rotor.  
The plugs, while very black, are not in the least pitted or worn.  I do 
not know when the car was last tuned or when these components had been 

One other thing, the car backfired once(never did that before) and the 
ignition idiot light stays on until I rev the engine past a certain 

My question is, what do I look for at this point.  Does it sound 
electrical of fuel related.  I will adjust the idle speed in th hope that 
this solves the problem but I think that there is more to it than that.  
ANY help would be greatly appreciated.  I am in Triumph hell considering 
I bought her a little more than a month ago and have not really been able 
to enjoy her.  Thanks for all the help.

Alan Camhi
'65 TR4

P.S.  If anyone knows of a good Triumph repair shop on Long 
Island(preferably in Nassau County), I would really appreciate an e-mail. 
 Thanks again.

My questi

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