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Re: FW: HELP...slow starter on GT6

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: FW: HELP...slow starter on GT6
From: (Kinderlehrer's)
Date: Mon, 19 May 1997 23:54:23 -0400 (EDT)
This may sound trivial, but then sometimes...
Did you clean the connectors on the cables, including the one from the
solenoid to the starter?  I struggled a whole day, bought a battery
charger, and cursed a lot when I installed  my newly rebuilt starter and
couldn't even get a groan out of it. Removed the cable from the solenoid to
the starter, cleaned up the ends, tested it with an ohm meter, re-installed
it and she spun like a top.

Just a thought,

>[BOUNCE triumphs@Autox.Team.Net:  Admin request: /^subject:\s*help\b/i]
>     Date: Thu, 08 May 1997 11:55:31 -0500
>     From: Dave Terrick <>
>     Subject: HELP...slow starter on GT6
>Hi all,  Terrick from the flood plain of Winnipeg turn to ask for
>the apropriate sacrafice to the Prince of Darkness,  Jos. Lucas & sons....
>my GT6+ ex racer is ready to be driven to the muffler shop (nothing past
>the gearbox right now)...wanted to break the cam in won't
>start....2 starters (small remote solenoid type per spitfire etc) turn the
>motor very slowly, as if the battery is dead - except it is new and ok.
>The motor IS tight, and has about 10.75:1 compression.  Source of the drag
>is new rings and hone - reused pistons.  Crank has been recut and has
>correct endfloat and spun fine when locked in on its own.  A plugs out spin
>is still slow enough to show compression of only 110 or so.
>-yes,  the ignition timing is correct,  in fact i've set it ATDC to
>minimize kickback
>-the cam is radical,  a Kastner S4 (one better than S2), correctly timed
>-valve springs are TriumphTune uprated with alloy valve caps
>- engine and chassis grounds are fine.
>-motor is getting spark
>-motor is getting fuel.
>Everything points to a slow crank, but the starter heats up in 6 or so 10
>second bursts.
>DOES ANYONE ELSE HAVE INFO ON THIS PROBLEM?  I suspect a winpy starter.  i
>have been told that a 24 volt starting sircuit may be needed until the
>motor is bedded in (done in the past with old race cars using similar or
>same starters).  Can anybody verify this?  Should I be looking  for
>anything else?
>Please don't let me miss "DRIVE your LBC week"
>Thanks in advance
>Dave (no, I'm not flooded but if I see another sandbag in my life...) Terrick
>Winnipeg Canada

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