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Re(2): Horror Story

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net,
Subject: Re(2): Horror Story
From: (Triumph)
Date: Fri, 16 May 97 21:44:15 -0800
Organization: The San Francisco Bay Guardian
Oh my, I have been there too.  My list isn't quite as long as yours and I
won't waste bandwidth with the details, but much money was spent and many
headaches.  <thank god for ibroprofin, gift of the gods>

I won't be happy till you tell us you returned to the first mechanics and get
some of your hard earned cash back.  Service like that needs a letter to the
Better Business Bureau or somfin'.  Crack your knuckles and start typing.

But the answer is to pick up a few good manuals and get your fingernails
dirty.  I know it can be mighty frustrating but it is worth every penny

Good luck and I know you will enjoy your Spit.

74 TR-6
<Currently only has a dead battery and a strange bearing noise from the rear, 
You could say I'm living large>

Terry Thompson wrote:
> Okay, when I bought my Spitfire last year from the DPO, I knew it
> needed some work. but little did I know the horror that lie before me.
> Around Mid March (17th to be exact), I took the little inca yellow car
> out of winter rest and found the brake lines to have air in them.
> "No problem" I thought "I can handle that".  After 2 hours of bleeding
> and no results, I threw in the towl and lumbered the car to the local
> repair shop. "Not a big deal. Even though they're not British car
> mechanics they can bleed some breaks. And while they're at it they
> can weld the broken muffler mount back on."
> Note: this was the first mistake that lead to a downward spiral.
> Well, after a week of them fidgeting with my car, they instruct me
> that my uv joint is bad, and the need to replace the valve cover gasket
> due to leaking oil.   Among other things (aside from the gasket, the
> UV joint replacement, a new exhaust pipe (after manifold upto but
> not including muffler), and "remounting the muffler" using a large
> rubber-looking piece of hardware attached to the frame of the car, &
> I pick-up the car 3 days later (to the tone of $615).
> One week later, my hydrolic clutch goes out (lost fluid somewhere).
> So, after attempting to unsuccessfully bleed the clutch (I really should
> have just bought the stupid vacuum bleeder) I take it back to the same
> shop (my parents of course swear by these guys).  I figure "Hey, they
> just need to bleed the hydrolic clutch. You don't need to be a specialist."
> Note: I must have been high on something that week. I don't kno what
> I was thinking.
> A week later (I love the way they mechanics get around to working on my
> car.) I get a call...'Well, the clutch is not a problem, but you need new
> break shoes on the rear', so I figure "hey, if they got to do it, they've
> to do it. another -$360 to my bank account.  I picked it up on a Saturday
> eve..  Oil is getting blown out of every seal on the engine.  Of course I
> talk to anyone because they don't get in until the LBC sits....
> Note: You'd think I'd have learned by now right?  also I find out later they
> change the shoes, but not the cylinders.
> Okay, I call the mech on that monday "Dude, there's oil blowing out of every
> oriface on the engine and orifaces that weren't even there before. What's
>  Mechanic "we didn't touch the engine, must be cooincidence that it happened
> right at the same time as you picking it up."  Okay.  My parents have
> this guy for past 20 years. I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt.
> Note: I think I'm actually getting more stupid every day that passes.
> I take it back to the shop. Another three days pass (I think they have a
> "u-store it
> for a week THEN we'll look at it policy).  "Well, you've blown all he seals
> the lower half of the engine. And since we're changing the seals, you should
> let us change the timing chain and timing gears."  Two days later:  "We
> get the parts until next tuesday. and the blowing of the seals was caused by
> venting problem from the carbon canister blowing into the engine. But we
> fixed it.
> (They didn't).  Rather than wait another 5 days for my car, I  offer to get
> them
> the parts from a parts place in VA. That weekend, It's ready
> again (to the tune of $420) (plus the $140 I paid the parts place for the
> parts).
> Note: I have had a total of about 10 miles of use out of my car for a total
> $1395 so far. over a 3 week period.
> I pick the car up on a Sunday this time...The car is STILL blowing oil out
> of the
> dip stick (while it's in with a new seal) AND the car is now idling at 1500
> (These guys have a misunderstanding about the fact that it's a Spitfire
> The next day I drive it DIRECTLY to a Triumph MGB specialty place.  (I have
> go out of town for a week) I pick up the car yesterday (Wed.)
> Mechanic for the great job he's done replacing the cracked intake manifold,
> screwed-up venting that the other mechanics caused, replacing the idiotic
> configuration they had going to the carbon canister, a new distributor, The
> soudns FANTASTIC. It's humming like a well-oiled british beauty. I've got
> exactly
> $600 in the bank. The Cool mechanic says "I'll cover you for a month" you
> can owe
> me the other $180 of the $780 bill." ME: "GREAT! You guys are the best!"
> I'm almost in tears having been apart from my beautiful yellow LBC for so
> long (a
> month and a half now.)
> (Grand total so far, $2175) in a time-frame of about 2 months. BUT
> That is until, I got 20 miles down the road and threw a rod.
> Now, I've borrowed $125 to have the car towed back to VA.  I have no money
> to have any further repairs for atleast a month. My question is:
> Does anyone have a gun I can shoot myself with?
> -Terry Dumb Previous Owner '76 Spitfire (Rest in Peace)

Lenny Seidman
Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, USA  


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