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Re: Owners List Submission

To: (Return requested), triumphs@Autox.Team.Net (Return requested), (Return requested)
Subject: Re: Owners List Submission
From: Peter Mchugh <>
Date: 09 May 1997 16:20:08 -0400
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     Having just spent a lot more on dental work in the last three months 
     than I've spent on all of my LBCs in several years, I can certainly 
     understand your metaphor....
     Welcome to the Triumph clan...look forward to seeing you on the 
     Northern Virginia roads...
     Pete McHugh, Annandale
     76 Spitfire
     73 TR-6
     72 GT-6
     69 GT-6+ (2)

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Owners List Submission
Author: at Internet
Date:    5/9/97 8:46 AM

I bought a 76 TR6 a couple of weeks ago.  It's now in the shop for a 
physical and $1500 worth of "minor" repairs so I can put it on the road with 
minimal (a relative term, I know) risk of breakdown in the middle of nowhere 
and risk to life or limb.  But I   L O V E  it already.  I had a Healey BJ8 
about 15 years ago, so I know the basic drills of owning an LBC (Leaky 
British Car).  I just wish that taking it to the mechanic didn't raise 
emotions akin to those I get when walking into the dentist office!!!  You 
know there'll be pain.  You don't want to do it, but you know you need to.
 You might even feel better afterward!!  Do they make health insurance for
Triumph TR6.
CF 58073UO
Manufactured July 1976
Body Color:  BRG 74
Interior:              TAN 76
<<< Rob Reynolds
        Reston, VA

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