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Re: [Fwd: tr6 fan belt]

To: triumph listserv <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: [Fwd: tr6 fan belt]
From: Roger Helman <>
Date: Mon, 05 May 1997 09:56:30 -0500
Organization: Digimation Inc.
References: <>
Cathy Helman wrote:

  Subject: Re: tr6 fan belt
  Date: Sun, 4 May 1997 21:02:06 -0400 (EDT)

  In a message dated 97-05-04, Peter Zaborski wrote:

  << Is is true that in order to remove and refit the fan belt you
  have to
   loosen this cross-member?!?  >>


  I didn't remember having to remove anything the last time I changed
  the fan
  belt, but just to be sure, I went out to the garage and did a
  "dry-run" with
  a spare belt. It went on with no problems at all. Clearance arount
  cross-member was minimal, but adequate. No problem at all around the
  rack, or other components. FWIW, mine is a '71. It took all of 15
  seconds to
  get the belt in place.

  Who knows, maybe all the tolerances added up in the right way on

  Dan Masters,
  Alcoa, TN

    This must vary from car to car because the clearence on my 71 '6 is
just short  by a about an 1/4 of an inch or so.  I usually jack the car
up by the center of the  cross member under the engine. This will
release the tension of the pillars and make moving the cross brace a
million times easier. Then just remove the bolts from the cross brace
and slide it forward. You should now be able to fit your belt without
any problems.
    Or  you could wedge the belt  in on the left side between the
hormonic balancer and the cross member bump the starter. This should
force the belt past the harmonic balancer and the cross brace.  I had to
do this half way between Baton Rouge an New Orleans once. Works well
enough, although will ocasional remove bits from the belt :-(
Roger Helman
71 TR6 CC67866L
Digimation Inc.
New Orleans La

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