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JMA paint codes

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: JMA paint codes
From: Bill Wood <>
Date: Mon, 05 May 1997 08:41:30 -0700
Organization: InfiNet

you wrote:

I am seeking information pertaining to later model Triumphs with
the mystical undocumented JMA paint code.  It appears that this code
might represent Tahiti Blue.  It may also be an alternate code for
Pageant Blue.  These two colours may be the same or at least so close
as to be indistinguishable.

If you have a Pageant or Tahiti Blue car, or one with the JMA paint code
I would like to hear from you privately please.  Or, if you have any
documentation relating to either of these paint codes, I would be most
interested.  I will compile any info received and post a summary to
the list.  I expect this will only apply to late model Spits and TR7s
(I haven't seen a TR8 this colour).  Hopefully I won't have to go over
the "other" camp to ask these questions ;-)

I just gotta know what colour to call my car!

- -- 
Bob Sykes   -  - -  __,@_\____
'78 Spitfires -  -- }-0-----0-`

I have a Sikkens paint chart that I copied from where I had my 81 TR8
painted.  JMA is listed as aqua, blvc (British Leyland Vehicle Code?)
year 1968/73, color scala 3 (?).  Hope this helps more than it hurts!

Bill Wood
1973 TR6
1979 TR8 Coupe
1981 TR8 F.I.
Greensboro, N.C.

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