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spitfire ride height

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: spitfire ride height
From: Dave Terrick <>
Date: Fri, 02 May 1997 11:27:38 -0500
Terrick here (...again...slow day)

Been there, done that....  the most comon problem when rebushing cars is
the tendency to torque the fastners while the car is still on stands.  WRONG.

Set everything finger tight,  put is down,  bounbce it a few times or (even
better) put dummy weights in place of passengers.  NOW torque the fastners.

What was happening is that the susp. was drooping down when torqued and
each bushing "wound up" whenyou set it down.  Each bushing was acting like
a little spring against the weight of the car.

BTW,  my problem was the same and I must credit Vince Squibb (grey haired
ex-Brit mechanic who taught me almost everything I know) for asking me the
OBVIOUS questions... after I suggested I suspected bent vertical links and
a whole bunch of other complicated and expensive problems.....

The lesson....  sit back, have another warm beer, and think again about how
you took thinks apart and how they went back together.


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