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Re: Exploding Spitfires <>

To: Trevor Boicey <>
Subject: Re: Exploding Spitfires <>
From: Berry Kercheval <>
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 1997 11:23:10 PDT
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net,
>>>Trevor Boicey said:
 >   I am on a lot of car mailing lists, and just about every
 > one of them is full of people who don't worry about accidents
 > because "they'll just steer around the person causing the
 > accident".

Heh.  My wife's Jetta was totalled when she was stopped for an ambulance!  A 
massive silly high-rider pickup didn't stop for the ambulance (which had all 
it's lights and sirens going) and plowed into the back.  No injuries except to 
the car, but the idea of just avoiding accidents is patently ridiculous.


Berry Kercheval :: :: Xerox Palo Alto Research Cent

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