But where did the UK miss the boat on acrylic enamel. Has it been
dicontinued or did it not ever show its face. Oh, Well, its OK, this is
going to make a lot more work for me...I'll have to make sure that I get a
really good coat of sealer on between the enamel and cellulose.
At 08:42 AM 4/10/97 +0000, RICHARD.JACKSON@NENE.AC.UK wrote:
>>I don't know what the Limey's are calling cellouse. As you may know
>>cellouse is a wood derived product.
>>> I visited the friendly PartCo (UK) motor factors today to talk paint. When
>>> I said that I wanted acrylic enamel, I was answered back with, "So you want
>>> two-pack?" Not, I explained. I then tried to explain that in the US, you
>>> can get lacquer, acrylic enamel and two-pack. I was answered with, "You
>>> have two choices...two-pack and cellulose".
>>> My question for the list, (Help Richard Jackson and others) is..."Cellulose
>>> is the same as __________". Will I have compatability problems with my
>>> acrylic enamel?
>>> I've been a Yank in the UK for over a year and the language barrier still
>>> raises its ugly head occasionally.
>Right, what we Limey's call cellulose is paint that is basically mixed with
>thinners, sprayed on the car, the thinners evaporates(D'ya remember that stuff
>Califf residents!! :-)) and leaves the paint behind. 2 Pack is paint that is
>mixed with a hardener or activator, it is then sprayed on, a chemical reaction
>takes place, and the paint goes hard. Cellulose is what these cars were
>originally paint with I think, 2 pack is what is used on modern cars and in
>most bodyshops(That isn't a UK term for a brothel :-)), cellulose is more DIY
>friendly than 2 pack which is supposed to be spray only by someone wearing an
>air-fed respirator, etc. Although saying that I sprayed my A40 with 2 pack and
>I'm still breathing(just), I put the ocassional bouts of breathlessness down to
>being fat! :-)
>Hope that helps
>ps, Paul, now you realise why we keep poaching Calif Cars eh!!! :-)
Paul A. Carson PSC 37, Box 3244
SOFPARS Field Service Engineer APO AE 09459
Sanders, A Lockheed Martin Company or
RAF Mildenhall, Low Common Farm House
England Merton, Nr Watton
pcarson@lcfh.demon.co.uk Thetford, Norfolk IP25