Might I recommend "K" cider? it's not as caustic as some local scrumpy
(i.e. it's not sold from an old enamel bath behind the bar, no bits of
farmyard animal floating in it, etc), in fact it's positively civilised,
sitting in the beer garden on a hot day getting quietly brain-dead.
hmmmmm, can't wait for summer.
Kevin "Brain-dead" Cordery.
Southampton, UK.
ps, I think its about 8% alcohol, sold in black "bud" sized bottles,
made by Bulmers I think, I'm normally too far gone by the time i start
reading the label to rememeber
From: Gregory Petrolati
Cc: Johnny Storm:- International Racing car driver; Dave Fain;
Subject: Re: Double Diamond!!!? AAAAAARGHH!
Date: 26 March 1997 6:42
On Wed, 26 Mar 1997 RICHARD.JACKSON@NENE.AC.UK wrote:
> Yeeeehaaaaa, we're back to an enjoyable topic!!! :-)
> I once drank about 8 pints of strong Cider(ONCE), 'my' face didn't fall
> Rich "International Pi*s head and car basher" Jackson. :-)
So, Mr. Cider Expert... Apart from the local Scrumpy, what's the
best of Britain, ciderwise? I've had Woodpecker (too sweet), I really
like Blackthorn (when I can get it), "Peary seems too sweet and not
just a little weird. I've heard Strong Bow is very good. So, is
there a cider out there I should be bugging my "local" to get?
Greg "an' another tot for the shantyman..." Petrolati
gpetrola@prairienet.org 1962 TR4 (CT4852L)
"That's not a leak... My car is just marking its territory!"
Greg Petrolati, Champaign, Illinois