Try this company for a new wiring harness.
British Wiring Inc
20449 Ithaca
Olympia Fields, IL 60461
(708) 481-9050 (Voice & Fax)
I have not dealt with them myself but have heard good things.
Also, John Kipping in the UK lists some "looms". Try their web page at
I have ordered from them and have been very pleased with their quality
and prices.
Good luck,
Paul E. Beer
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
1976 Spitfire FM45410U
In message "<S1500> Main Wiring Harness..... Again",
'' writes:
>Hi All Y'all!
>A while back I posted a message for a main wiring harness for my 77 Spit
>1500. I got a few replies, but after that things seemed to have went
>dead. I contacted TRF again, this time a flat NO was the answer. Any
>of you guys have any kind of main harness for a 77 Spit? Bits? Pieces?
>Mine is so severely destroyed by POs and a wire fire that I do not have
>a clue as where to start. There are so many splices and same color
>wires from PO repairs (butcherings?) that I cannot tell what the heck is
>what. I could make my own harness, but I really do not have the time to
>build one from scratch, and these sunny 70 degree days here in the south
>is just too much for me to sit back and have patience with building a
>harness. I want to enjoy my Spit this year! If anyone has a harness in
>a shape that is not butchered, and can be repaired in short order, talk
>to me!
>Ron N.
>Dalton, Ga
>77 Spitfire 1500 - waiting for a main harness - FM66513UO
>62 Vitesse/Sports 6 convertible - waiting to be restored - HB5635LCV
>92 Ford Tempo GLS V6 (Ultimate Q-ship!) - 1FAPP38U1NK150073