Firstly,I love this list,there are some real 'personalities' amongst you
fellow listers!
When Summer finally arrives and the stress of Cabin Fever forces us to
actually go out and drive our Triumphs in the sunshine,I really don't know
how I'll find time to give the list the attention I would wish?
However,for now,I'll just say that although the TRF thread has been getting a
bit much just lately,hey,it's better than being ignored!
Being over on this side of the big salty puddle,I don't have dealings with
TRF,but many of my friends in the USA do,and as far as I can gather,you guys
& gals are better off with TRF than you would be without them!
Charles Runyan is a human bean,with human failings,he is also a Triumph
enthusiast-so therefore quiet a sensible human bean!
I have received one copy of the TRF newsletter,sent over by a friend in the
It was dated March 14 1994,three years ago! (where did those 3 years go?),It
featured the new Coventry Inn,I was most impressed,OK,so it's a bit of a
'pastich' of olde englande,(to British eyes),but what is important here is
that someone,(Charles Runyan),actually cares enough about history to
TRy,perhaps he took risks,perhaps he over-reached himself,but so what? How
many of you can honestly say that you haven't done the same with your LBC
restoration project(s),bought as a quick,cheap,simple rolling-restoration and
turning into a full-blown total concours rebuild? (aka 'shipwrights'
disease'),or perhaps you've just got far too many LBC projects on the
go,spreading your disposable income ever more thinly (aka 'maces'
disease').Recently,I had the opportunity,one fine sunny spring day,to drive
my Herald Convertible to Bideford-Upon-Avon in Warwickshire,just to see what
it was like.
And what a disappointment! Like so many once beautiful english villages,it
has had its heart ripped out,a dual-carriageway built through it,most of its'
historic houses levelled to the ground,cynical modern factory/industrial
developments latched on to the surrounds and modern 'cheaply built 'system'
housing' thrown up!
(Billy Shakespeare must be spinning in his grave!).Now don't get me wrong,I'm
not against progress,but the wholesale destruction of British
Heritage,please,save us from ourselves,for we know not what we do! At least
Charles has had the foresight to do something about saving one little corner
of our (once)green & pleasant land.
One day,I will make it back to the US,and will make a special point of
visiting PA,so I can see the Coventry Inn & perhaps thank Charles Runyan for
his re-creation personally! (ps.I'd like some more newsletters,so I can read
them and then pass them on to the TSSC HQ & Triumph Museum at Lubenham near
Market Harbourough in Leicestershire,which Charles Runyan & any other listers
are always welcome to visit!).
Finally,Refurbishing woodwork in Triumph Sports 6/Vitesse;The (thinly
veneered),woodwork in these cars is varnished with a 35 year old 'urethane'
this can,be carefully removed by the judicious use of a 'hot-iron'(max temp)!
rub it back and forth on the no-doubt flaking varnish you wish to remove,it
will bubble and flake,falling off in strips and large flakes.,do not leave
the iron on bare wood areas for too long,or it will burn the wood,you might
also use a blunt,wide wood chisle or similar implement to 'persuade' the more
stubborn varnish to let go,but keep it flat against the wood,and be very
careful not to dig into the wood,also take care at the edges,as the veneer is
very thin there.With sufficient care and patience,you can get a good result.
Best results on refinishing are achieved by spraying on at least six thin
coats of yacht varnish,(yup boats again!) rubbing down between each coat for
smoothest results.It all takes plenty of time,but apart from spending hours
and hours hand-polishing all the stainless steel trim on your sports 6 is one
of the most rewarding restoration tasks you can undertake!
Good Luck
Leon F Guyot
Triumph Sports Six Club International Liaison Secretary
67 Herald 1200 Convertible
63 Vitesse Mk.2-2L Convertible
68 Herald 13/60 Saloon