You used to be able to get imported sam Adams in the uk but it got
popular so one of the uk big ones have started brewing it over here.
I haven't tried it since, the balls up they made with budweiser.
When in the GB try to get to a Tap and Spile or a XXXXXX and ferkin
(usually a word beginning with 'F' eg FFeasant).
When at home I have a decnt brewery 10 mins away so perhaps i'm spoilt.
On 20 Mar 1997 Martin_A._Secrest@NEB.VOA.GOV wrote:
> Oh geez, Johnny, where ya been? Since microbreweries starting multiplying in
>the U-S some 10 years ago, there are hundreds of outstanding beers ¹round here
>now (!) The big boys (read: Anheuser-Busch) are feeling so much heat, they¹ve
>even taken out radio ads claiming that beers such as ªSam Adamsª are not
>genuine because they¹re made on contract at larger breweries (!)
> In fact, there are now U-S mail-order companies (one of which I am a member)
>that will send you each month different craft brews from all over these
>fruited plains ...
> That said, Bass Ale still is one of my all time favorites. Cheers ...
> ---
> Martin Secrest
> 74 Spitfire 1500