Excellent points! Consumers have gotten pushed around by business long
Jim Ruwaldt
'72 TR6 (being restored, but will be drivable when the transmission's
back in)
On Wed, 19 Mar 1997 Paulsv@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 97-03-19 09:13:53 EST, duhart@symbol.COM (DUHART JOHN)
> writes:
> << >How dare he think that he can just do what he wants
> >with his own capital! :-)
> >
> He can do what he wants, but I also have to right not to give him my
> capital if I don't like his choices. >>
> Well said! And I think it is appropriate and healthy for a group of
> consumers, like us, to inform eachother and discuss these choices. We
> consumers have never had a forum like this before, and if we use it right,
> and TRF and other companies use it to find out what their customers are
> thinking, we should all be better served.
> Paul Vander Woude