I just received this joke from another list, it's clean(ish) and it ' made I
A man of between 70 and 80 years of age is sat on a bench in a public
park. He is alone and crying buckets when a young man goes up to him and asks
him what is wrong. The old man replies ' I am in love with a 22 year old girl'
'What's wrong with that', asks the young man.
Sobbing all the more, the old man repies, 'oh, you couldn't possibly
understand. Every morning, before she goes to work, we make love. At
lunchtime she comes home and we make love again, then she makes me my
favourite lunch. In the afternoon if she has the time to take a break she comes
back to the house and we make love again. And then in the evening and all night
long we make love. Then, the old man stops, unable to get another word out.
Then, the young man puts his arm around the old man's shoulder and says to him
'I don't understand. It seems to me that you have a perfect relationship
both of you. Why are you crying?'
The old man replies, weeping, 'I've forgotton where I live'
Rik Back
Exeter, Devon, England
72 - GT6