The Emissions Inspection guy said to me "Why don't you stay in the car.
I can't bend down that far."
79 Spit
>Sent: Thursday, March 13, 1997 12:35 PM
>Subject: Re: TR6: Copper Brake Piping from Rimmer Bros.
>Hey All,
> I love this list. Ask a good question at 8:30 and by 2:30 you have a
>large number of opinions to base your decision on.
> It sounds to me that if Rimmer Bros is sells copper clad steel pipes,
>then I am ordering a set tomorrow. If it is just copper then I will buy
>from TRF.
> I'm not to worried about the NY Depart of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
>inspection done by my local garage. If it passes smog, the headlights
>are straight, the tail lights and turn signals function, all mirrors are
>in there place, and the brake pads are new then I'm OK by them. No one
>is going to inspect the type of brakelines I have or the smog setup under
>the hood. Hell, they probably can't even tell what type of car it is.
>Garage Guy - "Gee, I haven't inspected a MG in a while."
>My - "Its a Triumph!"