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Re: tr4 info

Subject: Re: tr4 info
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 20:22:25 -0500 (EST)
Cc: Triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
In a message dated 97-02-25 22:57:03 EST, you write:

> this car has an old Delco battery in it, and since it only has 16,000 miles
> it, we were wondering if this was the factory battery or did it come with a

> Lucas tar top. it seems to be very similar style as the old Lucas batteries

> but we are not sure. what type of battery did your car have in it when you 
> bought it originally?
>  any help you can shed on this subject would be great.
>  thanks, best regards

Jim, according to my sources and what I remember of mine when it was new, it
was a Lucas battery, model BT9A of 57 AH (amp-hours).  Again if my memory
serves me right it was what you call "the tar top.'The Delco could have been
put in by the dealer if the car had sat in the showroom for awhile.  I
remember replacing my battery the first time and the Lucas was too expensive
for a 1st Lt.'s pay in those days.  So I bought a plain vanilla U.S battery
(from Sears, I think).  Hey - that was the only transportation in the family.
 Hope that helps.  Regards.

Art Kelly '64TR4 CT33118L (original owner)
VTR TR4 Vehicle Consultant

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