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Re: TR4 horn trouble (also loose steering problem) <97021115

Subject: Re: TR4 horn trouble (also loose steering problem) <>
From: Berry Kercheval <>
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 1997 11:52:18 PST
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net,,,
>>> said:
 > Caution - If you do this (replace the couplings) be sure to use steel safety
 > wire (as shown in Haynes and Bentley but not the some of the catalogs) on 
 > the bolts!  But that's another story.  (Anyone who needs info on the safety
 > aspects of the steering column - please yell.)
Actually, I'd recommend annealed stainless steel safety wire, which will not 
corrode away.  Do not use ordinary black-steel wire.

And be sure to install it in such a way that it is opposing the undoing of the 
fastener.  I've seen too many safety wire jobs that were done backwards!  The 
wire was actually pulling and trying to undo the fastener.  Yow.

Aircraft-grade safety wire can be gotten at most pilot-supply shops -- your 
local airport probably has one -- or at racing parts places, speed shops, or 
by mail from Aircraft SPruce or Sporty's.

Or anyone on the SF Peninsula can email me and come by some weekend; I still 
have a lot of wire in assorted sizes (and the proper tool for twisting it) 
from when I used to own an airplane.  But *that* is another story, too.


Berry Kercheval :: :: Xerox Palo Alto Research Center

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