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To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
From: Richard Jackson <>
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 14:27:43 +0000 (GMT)
Afternoon All,

Just had to pop out in the Spitfire during my dinner hour, I've finally
realized what a knackered piece of sh*t it is now, basically, the door lock
jams, the drivers seat reclines when I don't want it to(Due to a broken frame),
the hand brake doesn't work, the brakes either pull to the left, the right, or
don't do much at all, the starter solenoid ocassionally decides not to supply
power to the starter, so I have to pop the bonnet and press the little rubber
button instead, the diff whines like a cat with a red hot poker up its arse,
the gearbox rumbles more than Kracatoa(sp), the interior door release sometimes
works, the window winder doesn't work at all(Hmm, sliding windows eh!!), the
(halogen) headlights glow less than a Chernobyl reactor worker, and
occasionally turn themselves off, usually going round a bend, the bodywork is a
tetanus epidemic waiting to happen, and the front suspension is all out of
alignment and it keeps eatin' nsf tyres!!!!  But my new stereo sounds great!!!

Havin' said that, I love my Spitfire....:-)



PS, anyone going to Stoneleigh this coming weekend????

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