Carol Zingone wrote:
> Cannot seem to get the filler plug off the's a square edged
> bolt, about 1/4 inch around.
For squared-edged bolts, measure it carefully to determine
what size socket would be needed for it. Then go down to
Sears, and buy an 8-point socket of the right size. (You'll
need to buy the 8-point sockets from "open stock", so they
won't be cheap, but there is no better way to get a square
edged-bolt off.) 8-point sockets are only useful for
taking off square bolts, but do a much, much better job of
I would also suggest getting one for the oil drain plug
(also square) and tranny filler plugs (square, too; at least
they're the same size (7/16, I think)) while you're at it.
I've seen far too many drain plugs rounded off by 12-point
sockets, or open-end wrenches.
When I first got my TR6, the partly-rounded off oil drain
plug wouldn't budge, so I went and bought an 8-point
socket for it -- it was amazing how much easier the
right tool makes the job!
VTR WWW Maintainer --
'74 TR6 Daily Driver, well, at least for 6 months each year...
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