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Moving to the digest

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net (Triumphs)
Subject: Moving to the digest
From: Daren Allder <>
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 9:32:00 +0000
Importance: Normal
Organization: *
Dear all,

I can't cope with the volume of traffic that the Triumphs list generates.   
 I don't have a PC at home, so I'm spending time at the office sifting   
through mail when I should be working.  Consequently I'm moving to the   
digest for the time being.  Maybe soon I'll get my own PC, then I can   
move back.

If you've anything urgent to send me directly, then you can do so, to   
this address.


Daren Allder
Reading, England
66 Herald convertible  

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