> Michael and List--
> You asked about someone in the US who is knowledgable about TR5/6PI?
Well, I didn't, but our fellow Moss, whom you cc'd, did. I simply
remembered that someone had mentioned a TR5/PI guru around somewhere,
and I didn't have the original message. This fellow could be he, but
memory keeps nudging me that the message I saw months ago mentioned
someone in Ohio. As is said, I've slept since then, so I could be
wrong. <g>
When I first started poking around for PI parts, I was mostly interested
in finding an intake manifold, which would save me the chore of making
cores and patterns to have an FI manifold for my GT6 cast locally. I'd
first checked with someone in TSSC about availability of same in
England, and got a reply which suggested they were virtually unavailable
there. I'm not so much interested in replicating the Lucas system
(which was a ton of trouble, at times) as adapting the car to digital
fuel injection. I suspect Mr. Moss above is interested in the whole
Lucas PI shootin' match. <g>
> Although I do not have his telephone number, he may be reached at the
> following address: Phillip Beekley, 9755 Kelton Drive, San Antonio, TX 78501.
> Phillip is also on the Surrogate Buyer Network for VTR.
Thanks--I'll hang onto this address, just in case. <g>
Cheers, Steve.
My other Triumph doesn't run, either....