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BOUNCE triumphs@Autox.Team.Net: Admin request of type /\bsubscribe\b

To: triumphs
Subject: BOUNCE triumphs@Autox.Team.Net: Admin request of type /\bsubscribe\b/i at line 3
From: Mark J Bradakis <mjb>
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 15:12:33 -0700 (MST)
     Date: Mon, 03 Feb 97 14:55:00 PST
     From: "Smith, Brian" <>
     Subject: TRF and Old farts.

I've been reading the letters about TRF's backorder probs.  I would think   
that Charles would subscribe to this digest just to keep his finger on   
the pulse of the populous.  That said, any comments?

I am a TR owner of 34 tender years and I can say...when I was younger (ie   
in college)  My wife and I were pulling out of a theater parking lot when   
I heard ayounger voice say something to the effect of "why don't you get   
a real car.."or some such nonsense.  I think in cases like this on we   
should to fall back on a popular saying amoung the collectors of vintage   
american iron "Don't laugh..I'ts already outlasted your import"

I've known a great many LBC owners,  I have, for the most part found them   
freindly, helpful, and genrally great people.    

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  • BOUNCE triumphs@Autox.Team.Net: Admin request of type /\bsubscribe\b/i at line 3, Mark J Bradakis <=