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To: "'Peter Firla'" <>
From: "Gregory W. Smith" <>
Date: Sat, 1 Feb 1997 18:39:42 -0500
Cc: "'Triumphs Mailing List'" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
>>I got my order today, and promptly too, 3 days after the fax, regular UPS.

>>Of the $312 order, $265 is on backorder. I think they are moving away from
>>"in stock" on many items and more toward brokering orders to suppliers for
>>later delivery. Saves inventory costs big time, I assume.

>>In 9 years I have never not been backordered, but nothing like this. Makes
>>projects impossible.

>>Peter Firla

I too placed an order by phone, the day the winter parts sale started. About 
1/2 the items were back ordered (most importantly, my car cover). Their 
explanation, which I understand & believe, is that they were wiped out this 
Christmas, and Englang takes a while to re-ramp up production of parts after 
the holidays.

Greg Smith
1980 Triumph TR7 Convertible: 30th Anniversary Edition
1980 Triumph TR7 Spider Convertible:  undergoing unibody-up restoration / v8 
1986 Honda Prelude Si: daily driver
Member, Central Pennsylvania Triumph Club
                         -- Hosting the 1997 VTR Regionals!

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