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Re: triumph horns

Subject: Re: triumph horns
From: scott suhring <>
Date: Sat, 01 Feb 1997 13:02:32 -0800
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: InfiNet
References: <> wrote:
> Scott:
> Looks like your DPO did a number on you! From the info you gave me, I am not
> sure what to say. Can you provide the following additional information?


In responce to your questions:
> 1) when you press the horn button, do the replacement horns work?


> 2) what color are the wires attached to the original horns? are they the
> original wires?

        Yes: The Low Tone has a Purple/Yellow wire to the positive switch
             and a Black to the negative.

             The High Tone has 2 P/Y wires (connected into one female insert)
             and a Black wire to the negative switch.

> 3) identify for me, please, the color of each wire attached to the relay, and
> tell me if they are original or additions by the DPO.

        W1 has the original Purple/Black wire
        C1 has the original Purple wire to the front switch
        W2 is connected to the back switch of C1 with a new wire
        C2 has a new wire which connects to the new horns
        A Purple/Yellow wire is there from the harnes but not connected

> 4) You said the "juiced" wire from W2 goes to the the replacement horns; is
> this wire part of the original wiring harness, or is it an add-on?

        As above, no, it is an add-on, part of the replacement horns.
> With this additional info, maybe I can help.

        I did test the original horns and they both worked.
> As near as I have benn able to figure (and who can figure Triumphs), if the
> car did not have overdrive, a horn relay was used, if it did have overdrive,
> the OD relay replaced the horn relay, and the horn was operated directly from
> the horn button. Can anyone shed some light on this?

        This is the case with my TR6, No Overdrive.

Thanks for the help, will look for your further thoughts on this matter.
The final resolve will have to be put on hold for a bit since I took
the TR6 to the shop this morning :-) to start the rust repairs and new paint.

Scott Suhring
Elizabethtown, PA
'70 TR6

P.S. To list:

        With no financial gains or actual knowledge of the car, the following
        was listed in the local Auto Locator for this who may be interested:

        64 Triumph TR4: has been parked for 14 years, complete and very
        restorable, needs total restoration. $650. Ensor's Auto Sales
        717-624-3693, New Oxford, PA. (Picture shows car is intact).

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