"Smith, Brian" <brians@deq.state.la.us> wrote:
> My name is Brian Smith and I have been a TR owner for 14 years. it
> ...I need a bll nose started for the TR-3. I have a bull
> nose starter for a Jag (know know what make or year) that bolts up and
> seems to mesh with the flywheel right but the starter needs to be
> completely rebuilt.
I seem to recall the "early" (eg: TR2) starters had 1 more/less teeth on
the flywheel than later (TR3A?) onwards cars, plus its a major headache to
change the starter. The fix is to drop the early starter in favour of the
later type & swap the flyweel. So I would take care in mixing & matching
starters. Do the serial numbers on your starters match? Are "early TR" starters
still unavailable?
Anyhow, I state the above as a near certainty, can someone confirm?
Hope the above helps.
And now - a quick discourse on my TR4 ... Moss UK are selling a replacement
and more powerful heater motor. As I have a spare heater unit & the heater in my
car is mediocre at best I plan to get a radiator shop to flush it out (maybe
swap in a new core?) then I'll drop in the new motor. I've tried to "improve"
the operation of the existing unit by using masking tape on the flap on the
base to make up better seals, and put a piece of foam in the passenger side
windscreen vent. This is to try & direct a bit more of the rather anaemic
forced air onto the bit I see through. Were they this bad when new? I rather
suspect they were. The windscreen wipers are another bugbear. I considerd
tring to install a TR6 wiper motor but it means metal work. Any further clues
on wipers & defrosters? Just drive it in the summer?
Regards, Adrian + TR4 (rather cold in winter)